I don't think I have ever in my life played on a game site where some people are so bothered by things that have no effect on their lives. Listen to @sierrarose, who is absolutely correct.. Just let it go.
I agree you can ignore most of it but on the other hand, the obnoxious idiots - if not constrained, if only ignored, will not only not go away on their own, they will get worse and at some point can multiply beyond all reason. So I do think really disgusting stuff (I've seen it more in the last decade or so) ought to go.
Enough is enough. Shall @Jim & @David require an exam in order to determine if we are worthy to play on this site? Who should be on the committee to write the exam? Who decides? Who? Who?
I'm so sick of the social and political police! Let's all be civil, if we aren't adult enough to be nice. And just play! (Personally, I perfer nice) 😊
Don't confine it to "urban". I think it's world-wide.
IMO "censoring" offending user names is like whack-a-mole. Just ignore the I-want-attention persons.
I don't think I have ever in my life played on a game site where some people are so bothered by things that have no effect on their lives. Listen to @sierrarose, who is absolutely correct.. Just let it go.
Get over it. Stick & stones. Sticks and stones. We're here to play, not nitpick. Jeez.
I agree you can ignore most of it but on the other hand, the obnoxious idiots - if not constrained, if only ignored, will not only not go away on their own, they will get worse and at some point can multiply beyond all reason. So I do think really disgusting stuff (I've seen it more in the last decade or so) ought to go.
Stick ur stones up ur azz Sideways & Rotate4
Great...an instrctional.
Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?
Probably only his mother...
Ew. lol.
Enough is enough. Shall @Jim & @David require an exam in order to determine if we are worthy to play on this site? Who should be on the committee to write the exam? Who decides? Who? Who?
I'm so sick of the social and political police! Let's all be civil, if we aren't adult enough to be nice. And just play! (Personally, I perfer nice) 😊
A poet said it in the McCarthy era: Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can kill.