ties in number of moves

Game: freecell
Game #: 86736614

What would you like to see?

when my number of moves is tied with others, we should all get the same score for number of moves instead of an arbitrary assignment -- and mine always seems near the bottom! why??



    The sort is repeatable not random, so once the score and number of moves match, there are only a few things left to sort on. Currently we use your user id. So you being at the end reflects the newness of your account. Thinking about it now, a better way would be to use the game start time to break ties with earlier plays higher. This might be expensive to do, so don’t expect it anytime soon.

  • what i really want to know is how many other players beat my number of moves, and unless I come in the top ten, I can't tell how many have tied me. wouldnt it be cheaper for you folks to desist from any sorting and just assign all who tied the same # -- namely the number of players with a smaller number of moves?


    @profbobby, if you click “Moves” at the top of the moves column, we will sort by moves. Then you can tell from your place how many people were able to finish in fewer moves.

  • @probobby......I usually click "moves" just to see what # I came in at that time, but it still only shows the top ten. I just can't understand why, how many (or who) is so important. It seems to me that we already have more that enough results info. (Just my opinion)

  • jim, i am not being clear enough. after i click "moves," the screen will tell me how many moves I made and assign me a number in the left-hand column. often enough, it will give me a number - say 16 for example-- that includes a bunch of others who also had the same number of moves as I had, so i cant tell whether I beat 15 others or whether I beat 11 others and tied at least 5 others and maybe more. this is the score I care about, and the system does go out its way to assign the number (like 16), so why not give the same number to all who are tied and make that the number of folks who had fewer moves? this is not an expensive change, just more informative to the players.

  • @profbobby even though the number of moves may be the same, the positioning of players is then sorted by time. You would only tie if you had identical moves and time score.

    Apologies in advance if this explanation is unhelpful. I may be on the wrong wavelength understanding what your concern is.

  • look at this example from tonight pls:

    Name Date Score Moves Time

    1 lds 2021/04/23 1:08am 52 84 2m48s
    2 indurs 2021/04/23 1:17am 52 85 1m30s
    3 proctological2021/04/23 1:16am 52 85 3m1s
    4 Suvi suloinen2021/04/23 1:02am 52 86 41s
    5 maxrog 2021/04/23 1:05am 52 86 1m26s
    6 anarky 2021/04/23 1:19am 52 86 1m40s
    7 sike.1966 2021/04/23 1:09am 52 86 2m14s
    8 unruly1 2021/04/23 1:27am 52 86 2m21s
    9 realise53 2021/04/23 1:05am 52 87 1m16s
    10 tigersmom2021/04/23 1:14am 52 87 1m21s
    28 Grubbie 2021/04/23 1:24am 52 92 1m17s
    29 JennyBr 2021/04/23 1:06am 52 92 1m45s
    30 profbobby 2021/04/23 1:30am 52 92
    i cant tell how many players had fewer moves than I did. could be 27 or could be 10. this problem would be solved if all of us with 92 moves were assigned the same #

  • fingsaintfingsaint REGISTERED
    edited April 2021

    @profbobby but you haven’t tied with any other player. You came 30th with a slower time than the player who came 29th. I doubt that the players faster than you with the same number of moves would want to share a position with players that haven’t performed as well as they have.

    I guess it would work if the same position was assigned but then the results placed in order by fastest time? Don’t know if that is feasible but it would give you an idea of where you stand with other players.

    Unless of course more than 10 or 20 etc all had the same number of moves then there just wouldn’t be enough space on the scorecard to display them.

  • the score card sorts just by number of moves if the player clicks on "moves," and just by time if the player clicks on "time." I am just discussing the ranking by number of moves. the ranking shown on the score card is just by number of moves if that is what is clicked. there is no score or ranking that combines time and moves. so your response to me above saying I didnt tie with any other player makes no sense -- I tied with an unknown number of players on number of moves, as shown after clicking on "moves," and that is what the score card I copied into my last message displayed after I had clicked on "moves." it happened again tonight.

  • Sorry @profbobby but you misunderstand how the scoring system works

  • fingsaintfingsaint REGISTERED
    edited April 2021

    @profbobby I’ve found examples that may help explain it better. These screen shots shows how players tie only when both the moves and the time match each other.
    This one sorted by time

    And this one sorted by moves

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