As most of us are not in the top 10 it would be more interesting to see the score of the player who

Game: klondike3
Game #: 481414422

just beat me !! Is this possible please?

What would you like to see?



    I agree. I’ve tried a few times to get the 5 plays above and below yours, but I’ve failed so far. One day.

  • I got one more than you - is that what you wanted or did you need someone to be faster?

  • I like to see scores by number of moves, but I agree it would be nice to see the names of those who score one ahead and behind. Thanks!

  • Why does it matter? Since I'm only playing against myself, can't understand why it matters. I look at number of moves before the time. I've play for speed before and did really well but didn't get the satisfaction as much. Too stressful trying to beat the clock.

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