Frequent Concerns

Game: addiction

I suggest a catagory of not frequently asked questions, but of "Frequent Concerns". New folks often ask : how do I change my name, how do I resize my cards, why do people get such fast times (are they cheating?), ... You know the stuff we all endlessly see being asked.
Maybe then we won't see the same questions over & over and over & over and ...
Just a thought


  • why not FAQS? Totally agree re same over & over Qs

  • Putting them there is fine with me. My point is putting those annoying things that seem to be popping up continuously. Like those examples I listed. They deserve an answer, but shouldn't have to be written out each time asked. Just trying to find more space for those darling quips I so often see from the regulars.

  • I will never understand how somebody could win a game in six seconds. There’s shenanigans going on here.

  • Hi @peej1959 never understand? That’s a bit of a closed door way of life 🤔

    World and oysters are on the menu

    Take a chance and widen your horizons by visiting videos of fast players available on the Green Felt FAQ channel


    Sometimes it’s easier to post on the forum than to editing the FAQ. Sad, I know.

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