Cards move of own addord.

Game: freecell
Game #: 1
Browser: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/89.0.4389.82 Safari/537.36 Edg/89.0.774.50
JS-Version: 2021-03-08_21:58:57_7ec4d1df8833d96445e4c93bd512d6d4f4857405

Please describe the problem in as much detail as possible:

I move a card to a free cell and it moves back to its original position. When I do a control z it does not return the last-played card to its previous position. Instead it returns the next-to-last card. Drives me bats.


  • Sometimes it moves a whole series of cards.

    edited March 2021

    Hi @path,

    That does sound frustrating! When you move a card to a Free Cell, and before it moves back, do you see the black border highlight that indicates that it’s a valid move? It sounds like either you didn’t quite move far enough or you were accidentally going for a foundation instead of a Free Cell. In both of those cases the card will fly back to where it came from because that wasn’t a valid move. Now if you try and undo it will not undo that move, that we didn’t think was valid in the first place, and that we wouldn’t let you do, but instead it would undo your previous move, like you said.

    This is just a guess that fits with your description. If you could take a screen shot or a video next time, and post it here, we might be able to better understand what’s happening.

    The whole series of cards issue makes it seem like you clicked outside of the cards. On Green Felt, that means Auto-Play, i.e. “move as many obvious moves as possible”. In this case a single undo should move them back. This is a hidden power feature that saves you from having to move all the way to the Auto-Finish button, but it can be unexpected.

    Thanks for your clear report.

    Have fun,

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