Bad rendering

AnonymousAnonymous GUESTS
edited June 2006 in Bug Reports (Resolved)
I have a screenshot of the leader board looking pretty bad. I think it may be because "goodrobhunting" is so long.

Also notice that the copyright banner goes underneath the "today's games of the day" box (although it's kind of cut off in the current image). I also just realized that if I resize the window at all, the copyright banner pops to the bottom of the page.

Firefox 1.0.8 on fedora core 4.


    pinball wrote:
    Also notice that the copyright banner goes underneath the "today's games of the day" box (although it's kind of cut off in the current image). I also just realized that if I resize the window at all, the copyright banner pops to the bottom of the page.

    Firefox 1.0.8 on fedora core 4.
    I think this is a Firefox bug and I haven't figured out a way to work around it yet. It works in at least FireFox which FC5 has.
    pinball wrote:
    I have a screenshot of the leader board looking pretty bad. I think it may be because "goodrobhunting" is so long.
    I'll look into removing the fixed width for the player of the day boxes which makes the player lists overflow when the names get too long.

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