
Game: freecell
Game #: 1590687674

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  • Live in an area with a lot of downtime with no access to the Internet. Help keep me sane. Can I download Freecell to my computer so that I can play when Internet is not available?


    Green Felt doesn’t require the internet once a game is loaded. If you leave your browser open the games will accumulate as you play (as indicated by a number next to a small spade that will appear in the upper right corner). When you next get a connect we will attempt to submit your games. We will try immediately if you click that small spade.

  • I usually have a Green Felt tab open on my computer. Before the ice and snow hit Austin last week I opened two different tabs so that I had a couple of options to play in case I lost power. Thankfully I was one of the few that had power during the storm. I did lose water for several days but not my internet.

  • how do i download this to my computer?


    Hi @jenifercd, you can use Green Felt in your web browser, once it’s loaded, without the internet. You can change games though, so open each game you want to play in a separate tab.

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