Space between deck and aces

AnonymousAnonymous GUESTS
edited July 2011 in Feature Requests
Game: fortythieves
Game #: 1746956209

Hey I'm just wondering if there can be a large space put between the two draw piles (the deck and where the drawn cards go) and the first ace of diamonds. Sometimes it's hard to distinguish where the aces start and where the draw pile ends.


  • for example...move the 8 spots for the aces one card length to the right. normally the top looks like this, where each "8" represents a spot for cards to go and the order goes:

    deck draw-pile ace ace ace ace ace ace ace ace
    8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8

    and it would be more helpful if it was set up like:

    8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8

    is that what you mean?
  • ok that didn't turn out how i wanted it at all....but i'm saying put a space between the deck and draw pile from the aces.
    guest wrote:
    ok that didn't turn out how i wanted it at all....but i'm saying put a space between the deck and draw pile from the aces.

    I agree that it should be separated conceptually. The problem is that then the draw pile wouldn't line up with the piles below it which looks bad. How would you arrange the rest of the piles to make up for that?

  • well i'm not quite sure, there could be various options. you could center the aces above the playing cards and put the draw pile and graveyard vertically on the right side of the screen.
    That would be better, but would take up more norrizontal space and Forty Thieves is already a wide game. I like the idea of say putting half the aces on each side and the "waste" pile in the middle centered and taking up two columns. That would mean you would be close to the farthest piles which would be much better. Then where would we put the deck?
  • I don't know that that would make the game too wide. It seems like there is already a lot of open space over there already. If not that then even just add some space between all the columns of cards so they still line up but are spaced out more generously
    We finally decided to give your idea a try and separate the foundations from the stock. Let us know if you like it. It's a bit disconcerting that the tableaus are not lined up with the foundations, but they are kind of centered.


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