daily change the game of the day

Game: scorpion
Game #: 3732134869

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  • Daily change the game of the day


    Hi @lovethegame3, we do change the Game of the Day daily. Only it changes at midnight GMT. For example, for us in California, it changes at 4 or 5pm depending on the daylight savings time.

  • Hi @jim GMT moved forward an hour for British Summer Time on 28th March. Will Green Felt adjust as well? No that it matters, but I thought it did last year and maybe this year the new update has excluded the time change.

  • Ah, @ fingsaint, (@jim) a fine idea and I don't want to burst your bubble but there are players in many other countries in the world in different time zones with different transitions to/from daylight saving/summer time. It might be beyond even the wizardry of the Greenfelt Game Masters to achieve recognition of these transitions for players from every country. I'm sorry to say that I suspect that Britain, glorious as its Empire once was, is probably not deserving of special consideration.

  • Hi @nt599 being Australian my time zone is also different to GMT. My query was to @jim as you can see from his answer to @lovethegame3 above, Green Felt used to follow GMT and I thought also adjusted for daylight saving. Just checking in case the upgrade missed this or maybe it was intentional.


    @fingsaint, we actually use UTC, the successor standard to GMT, which isn't subject to any political changes like daylight savings. Currently BST (British Summer Time) is UTC + 1:00.

  • fingsaintfingsaint REGISTERED
    edited March 2021

    @jim thanks for your reply, makes sense if GMT has been superseded.

    [In trivia news I see that the Euro parliament have voted to discontinue spring and autumn clock changes probably from next year. Whether UK will follow is anybody’s guess. In Australia it’s entirely up to the individual states and territories whether or not to change to summer time and one state just keeps the same time all year round. The world’s timing is all over the place 🙂]

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