how can I stop the computer finishing my moves in solitaire

Game: klondike3
Game #: 887989253
Browser: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/85.0.4183.121 Safari/537.36
JS-Version: 2020-09-18_15:09:11_-0700_19db11c83b7fe9a8d30c1b564599cc7cdea7f87c

Please describe the problem in as much detail as possible:



    There is one way to stop green felt from doing moves for you and that’s to only do legal moves. If you do that then there is nothing else to be done.

    That being said, your play can be way more fun and efficient if you learn how to let green felt help you out. Let’s say you want to move a card, but it’s covered by another that you will will first have to move to a free cell. Instead of doing the boring things and moving the covering card up, you can just move the one below and greenfelt will move the covering card up. If, while dragging this card, decide to do something else and drop the card, the. It will go back to where it came from the covering card will be replaced as well.

    This works the other way as well. Let’s say you want to place a card somewhere, but there is a card in hour way that you would first have to move up to the free cell. Again just pretend it’s already moved and green felt will do the right thing and move it for you.

    There’s lots more that will happen automatically, but this plat should get you started. Remember that undo will revert any moves we do that you didn’t want r expect.

    Have fun,

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