Who has won the most games / top 100 list.

Game: freecell
Game #: 711284715

What would you like to see?


  • A list of the top 100 players and how many games have they won.
    I am sure we would all want to get onto the list.

  • fingsaintfingsaint REGISTERED
    edited November 2023

    Hi @chappie32_44 I’m not sure how relevant the table would be

    1. According to the blog, Green Felt has been going since 2006, how far back would you go to collect data. Players who have played over a long period of time would have an advantage.
    2. Would different games played by an individual create an average score?
    3. It would favour those who play more games rather than excellent players who only play game of the day.
    4. What about the stash of secret games, would they be included?
  • Hmmm - 2006. That is when I started playing (approximately), I thought it had been going longer than that.

  • Hi @jabba you’re probably right. I was using the first post on the blog as a guide.

    Hello from the developers Posted by david on 13 Aug 2006 | Tagged as: Uncategorized Hello to all Green Felt players. We’ve set up this blog so that we have more direct contact with each of you. We’d like to discuss new ideas and issues that exist with Green Felt and in the past felt held back by the forum. It’s so complicated. We like it for bug reports (or at least, I do–Jim’s not so gung-ho) but we think it’s just too much for a simple blog. Anyway, this is just a taste of what’s to come. It’s too late for me to write anything terribly profound! -David
  • I think you are correct Jabba, It looks like the leader board was added in August 2006 but I played for a long time before the leader board existed.

  • In the old format back then, you could look up when other players joined, hobbies and all sorts of stuff. I know for sure plenty of others were playing well before I joined.

  • I'd love to see a separate weekly list for people who've won the most non-games-of-the-day out of pure self-aggrandizement because I tend to do well on high Pyramid scores but I'm never going to be the fastest so I never get into the top 3 (or even top 10) for game of the day. But I occasionally wonder how I've done overall on the other games I play.

    On the other hand, I play enough games without that! So maybe it's just as well if I'm really just playing for fun.

  • The "High Scores" table should consist of one thing and one thing only:
    Players who beat the game (listed by date).
    All the rest is just plain hubris.

  • Yes, I'd say just plain arrogance.

  • ''Just plain arrogance'' ?
    Every sport worldwide that has records of all their achievements are all arrogant ?
    Records are there to be beaten.
    Without records what's the point of a world rugby / tennis / etc etc ?

  • Well, seeing the non-game of the day standings might also turn out to be humbling. You never really know.

  • binky3binky3 REGISTERED
    edited November 2023

    @chappie32_44 ....my comment was not aimed in reference to scoreboard.....it was about a previous statement regarding one's own score; that if it wasn't on there as having beat the game, it wasn't winnable
    Sorry for misunderstanding.

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