Time and moves incorrect

Game: FreeCell
Game #: 1362589052

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I have been playing this solitaire for years. However, the list for time and moves is never correct. I can leave FreeCell on overnight and the time recorded is nowhere near real time. The moves recorded is always more than the number indicated. Finally, how can anyone finish the game in seconds?



    Hi @RANCHER02,

    Green Felt will pause your game if you go off to do something else, so your time should be less than real-time. The moves should be correct. Please know that we don’t record actions you make as moves. but instead we record the constituent moves. For example, in Free Cell if you drag a stack of cards, internally we pretend that we moved each to the Free Cells and then back to where you dragged the stack, so what looked like one move was really many by our count. To see how these combine to make fast times take a look at the FAQ https://greenfelt.net/faq . There have been many videos posted, by players like @DeusExMachina, that show examples of players willing in a few seconds.

    Provide details if you still think we are accounting incorrectly and we’ll look into it further.

    Have fun,

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