hopeless score

How is it possible that cyf can have 8 hopeless scores posted at only two time, 9:10 & 9:11, when each game takes 1:15-2:43 min?


  • That's a job for the powers that be - bit sus!

  • If you really are interested in the explanation (and there is one), I can provide it for you. Generally speaking, it has to do with the way the Green Felt's web site is programmed and the source of the date and time on the score tables. As Le Chiffre says to James Bond in Casino Royale, "Nothing sinister, I assure you."

  • Thank you for the explanation! I really have no idea about it and i havent seen it before.

  • One
    1. cleans the browser of cookies and other cached Internet files. (My browser is set to do that on exit.)
    2. loads the game
    3. disconnects the Internet connection
    4. plays the game
    5. connects to the Internet and logs in to publish the results.
    Till the Greenfelt Guys remove the bug...

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