discarded pile on deck

AnonymousAnonymous GUESTS
edited January 2011 in Feature Requests
Don't like that the undercard on the used deck now faces down instead of up so that you can't see the card that was played before. please return to the older way - all cards on the used pile face up.


    We don't like it either! The reason it's like that is to fix a slowness that many players reported when using Chrome and Safari (i.e. browsers that use WebKit). It seems that they are really slow when drawing big stacks of our cards when they are face up. We don't know why, but it seems to be the case. We actually tried making all but the top two cards face down, so you could see the one below, but even that wasn't fast. We plan to fix the slowness some other way, but for now this was the easiest way we could come up with to fix the problem.

    If you use Firefox (or Explorer, but only because we haven't tested the slowness on IE) the cards will be face up.

    Sorry, we know it's annoying, but the slowness was way more annoying. We are working on a better solution.

    Thanks for your feedback!

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