FreeCell slow flutter

Game: freecell
Game #: 1784782698
Browser: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_9_5) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/66.0.3359.117 Safari/537.36
JS-Version: 2018-06-28_23:56:57_-0700_1859ec0eecadb02f16bd852d087805330d530982

Please describe the problem in as much detail as possible:

Cards are fluttering in slo mo (very noticeable) when performing an auto-finish move in FreeCell. Presume this is because of too much traffic on the slow server? If so, it's a bit odd for it to be happening at 3:30 AM EDT when there should be fewer players. Right? Or is that when you switch to the slower server where it is a known problem? Presume this is also related to the very slow, multi-try-required score-posting?


  • At the top of every game screen, just under the name of the game is the following:

    lay the Game of the day. **We're currentlly experiencing problems with the server and are working to fix them.
    Please see our blog post for updates. **Want something? Request a feature.

    As long as we are seeing that our games will be dicey. Right now David is copying the information onto the large drive. It will take some time. Continue to be patient and, in due time, our games will be back to normal.

    edited July 2018

    The game play on Green Felt is totally disconnected from the network and the Green Felt server. This is by design. We want you to be able to play as fast as your computer allows. This implies, GammaRho496, that any judder of the cards likely comes from your computer working on something else at the same time as you are playing. Find that and kill it and Green Felt will be back to its zippy self. Good luck.

  • Good design. I thought that was the case. I spotted a heretofore undetected symptom (I never thought it was a bug), and wanted to alert you to it. If I had taken the time to dive deeper, I think I would have deduced the separation of game play and server, and started looking in my own back yard sooner. Full disclosure--as it turned out, my battery was the problem. I had just returned from a long trip in the early AM, and had forgotten to recharge when I thought I had. Senior moment. Sincerely apologies for wasting your valuable time. Keep up the good work.

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