High Scores

Game: fortythieves
Game #: 1927735090

What would you like to see?

It would be nice to see the high scores and have the total number of people who have played it. Just like when you finish a game it shows where you ranked out of the total number played.


  • It would be nice to see the high scores and have the total number of people who have played it. Just like when you finish a game it shows where you ranked out of the total number played.

  • Agree, especially now when it's frequently necessary to go through the dance of: finish game, fail to save score - dismiss error, click card in upper right anywhere up to 200 times - hit High Scores, possibly more than once.

  • with all due respect I don't normally play fortythieves as I see both of you are fairly new to this site, green felt has been experiencing a lot of back end server issues, that out founders Jim and David have been working tho by their selves dilegently to fix the server which tho not a computer whiz and probably affect scoring on all games of this great site. If you go to the blog posts on this site you may understand more about the technical issues we are experiencing , I hope this helps you in your query , tho am not interested in low scores or times if I were a person whom is more competative it would frustrate me more , thou it is easier for me to relax and allow our founders to do their job and fix the issues, More than likely some other people will possibly give you more insight or be able to help you with your problem like someone whom plays forty thieves regularly Play on have fun, this will be resolved in time,

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