Maze cards jump to unexpected spots

Game: maze
Game #: 1191606271

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I guess I don't understand the defaults of this game, but frequently as I'm lining up cards, they jump to unexpected places. I know others seem to be able to finish very fast, but I enjoy trying to figure out a strategy through logic. What's up?


  • The game, itself, is not making automatic moves. You are inadvertently clicking either the left or right mouse button, which is causing the cards to move. If you click anywhere on the screen any cards that can move will do so. If you (inadvertently) click the right mouse button, the cards will return to their previous position because right clicking executes the Undo function.

  • Example, as I have cleared spaces and click on 9 hearts, 10 hearts, J hearts, then Q hearts, the Q jumps up to another spot before an Ace, not where I wanted it to go. I'm not using a mouse, but a mac and am clicking on specific cards.

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