Auto fill when cards are moved - sucks - bad user experience

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Please describe the problem in as much detail as possible:

Quit having cards auto-fill when we make a move. It is annoying and many times is wrong. Just because a six has open space behind it, doesn't mean it should auto be filled. I might stop playing your site because of it


  • Well, I won't quit Green Felt over it, but I too would prefer the autofill gone.

  • The game, itself, is not making automatic moves. You are inadvertently clicking either the left or right mouse button, which is causing the cards to move. If you click anywhere on the screen any cards that can move will do so. If you (inadvertently) click the right mouse button, the cards will return to their previous position because right clicking executes the Undo function.

  • Strange things do happen.. I have that occur several times during my playing, I do NOT use , or have a mouse or own one.. and since I've been on this site for many years, I'm aware of where the cursor is supposed to be after a move of play. I use the UNDO key many times to put the card back into its rightful place. this subject has been an on going problem for many and answered. and always suggestions of using the mouse...


    Clicking/touching on the green background (as in between the cards) will also initiate auto-finish. It's possible that is happening. Right clicking a mouse is undo (two finger tap on mac trackpads).

  • goodtime2, note this sentence in the middle of the reply from Sage: "If you click anywhere on the screen any cards that can move will do so." It appears in your case you aren't 'clicking' per se, but whatever means you use to move the cards - tapping on a touch screen or trackpad, presumably (?), must be the culprit. You must be inadvertently/unconsciously tapping on the green area (i.e. the greenfelt). Doing this anywhere outside of the cards themselves, initiates automoves in the same way as clicking a mouse.

    Sorry. I should have specified this is in the game of Canfield. I thought the OP had mentioned that. It happens when the only remaining card in one of the four columns is moved, then the open space is automatically filled from the pile on the left. (The names of these piles escape me, but I think you get what I mean.) Sometimes the exposed card on the deck is a better play, but the game does not allow you to choose that card. Is that the way the rules of the game work? or should I be able to choose which card to fill that open space? Thx!

  • Ok, I just looked at the rules and they do state that the open space will be filled from the reserve. Guess I play this game wrong all the years that I played with actual cards :/

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