Freecell feature request: On tap, move single card to free cell instead of free column

Currently, if a column contains a single card that cannot be played to either its suit pile or to a column (like 6C in the screenshot), and both a free cell and a column are open, tapping the single card moves it to the free column.

That move accomplishes nothing. Instead, I propose that you special-case this scenario to move the card to a free cell.


  • just tap 10d then Kd then BAM! game over, no?


    Currently our card choosing logic is pretty simplistic. We put values on the different possible piles and the highest value gets chosen. Foundations are the highest (you pretty much always want something to go there if it's available), and the free cells are the lowest (since putting them there restricts further moves). So, yes, it would be better to go to the free cell in this case. And yeah, we'd have to put in a specific rule for this.

    Maybe the generic rule is "lateral moves get ranked extra low".

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