Show My Score

Game: fortythieves
Game #: 575765732

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I can see everyone else's high scores, but I don't see an option to check my own score. Can anyone help?


  • Make sure you’re logged in. (Be aware logging in is independent for Greenfelt proper—where you’re playing games—and the forum.)

  • Thank you! Actually, I realized by accident that if I hit the "give up" tab when I'm done, it shows me my score and standing.

  • Hi and welcome to greenfelt games. May I make a suggestion to you that its best for you to use another username that you make up yourself. Using your email addy is not the best, although everyone here on this site is great, very helpful and also a lot of fun with the games. I mention this only for your protection on your addy. I've been playing on this site for many years and the creators of this site are fantastic and there for any needed help also. Hope you enjoy the games and try different ones to your liking as we all have done and have our favorites. I am sending this as a FYI. You can change your username by going to the menu where you logged in and have options to change it if you decide to do that. The best to you and have fun.

  • PS... I meant to also let you know that if you click on your username you're using now , that you can change that. I also believe that Jim or David (creators of this site) have mentioned the instructions to someone else on changing username. If you have read the forum posts, it should be there. hope its not confusing...

  • Thank you. I wanted to do that but didn't know how!

  • You are welcome and also do hope you were able to get it done and no further problems... and now to enjoy the games, also as a heads up, that the card suits are reversed due to the date of April Fool's day... which Jim & David will change the suits according to what holiday it is.. and keeps everyone in a dither where they either like it or not.. but its fun and also to the far top left is a button to change the cards to normal. (deck) have fun.

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