Restore The ace of spades design

What would you like to see

Your designs are wonderful, but I would like to see the ace of spades restored to its previous design where the center black spade is larger and has the gray trim on some of the edges. It was a beautiful graphic design and made the visual aspect of the game more enjoyable. Thank you for the opportunity to request this.



    Oops, That's a bug! I'll look into it after work.

  • Thank you so very much, I really appreciate it!


    Should be fixed now. Thanks for letting us know!

  • You are terrific! What an amazing graphic design that ace is; it's almost like an optical illusion because the gray trim is obviously there but if you zoom in too large it seems to recede. I don't know how that happens, but—Wow! Thank you for restoring it to its unique beauty.

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