
Game: canfield
Game #: 70580392

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Can you make a deal one at a time version of this game?


  • Can someone second this? It might increase the chance of this feature being added.

  • I can't be the only one wanting to turn over only 1 card at a time. Turning 3 at a time you win 1 in 17 hands. I'm sure the win percentage would go way up turning 1 at a time.

  • There are other offerings of Canfield online that allow options such as one card at a time, with maybe one re-deal.

    I have noted that when no more plays are available and the cards remaining in the stock are indivisible by three, the sequence of cards in the re-deals can remain fixed, i.e., the same cards re available for play in each re-deal. Threre should be some variation, although not all of the cards will be available for play.

    To see how this works take from a bridge deck seven cards of different denominations for ease in recording sequences Deal them three at a time making certain to maintain the as-dealt sequence. Place the remaining card in sequence, on top of the first card dealt. Either record each deal or note the cards that appear in play, and those that don't appear.

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  • You are right that when remaining stock cards are a multiple of 3 you just end up with the same turnovers until you use 1 card and bump all other cards up one in line. Draw 1 Canfield would still be nice on this site. Can't be that difficult to add that option. At draw 3 I can sit and play 10-20 hands before getting 1 win. When I play with a real deck and run out of moves I take the top card and move it to the bottom. But can't do that on here.

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