Trouble connecting with Greenfelt
Had quite a bit of problem getting on the site this evening, 24 Nov. between 8 and 10 o'clock. Did anyone else have the same problem?
Yes. Just back on now, at 11:30 p.m. EST.
10:44 Cst here in western 1/3 of Tennessee. been back on messaging few friends, and saw yours and wanted to say Hello, Catch you later gator. Hello Sage How are you? Have a good weekend.
Had a problem last night on Florida's west coast, but all's
well at 5:38 Sunday a.m.
Yeah, my internet was acting up (going about 20 times too slow) and I had a technician out to help diagnose. While he was out I disconnected a lot of things while we tried to figure out why things were slow. It took replacing a couple devices and a couple hours, but everything is fast again. So that's why things were bad for a couple hours. Everything should be back working now.
Everything seems to be working. Thanks David.
Thanks David, Jim, Hello anglais!
Thanks david, appreciate the update.