Game: freecell
Game #: 3994332842
Browser: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:63.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/63.0
JS-Version: 2018-09-06_10:59:16_-0700_ccae3e8a0b87d6f6f7ef92850dbb746ecf9e4ca9
Please describe the problem in as much detail as possible:
The ability to change the deck has been removed. It's obviously a personal issue but the "halloween" deck makes the cards difficult to see. Please reinstate the "Deck" choice.
Hi MervynB,
Directly above the card game is a series of menu options; the final option after the game# is a request for “Normal Cards”, click on that and the default Halloween deck will revert back to the standard deck.
Thank you fingsaint. News Flash: The cards will return to normal at midnight , enjoy your halloween everybody and don't eat all the candy.