Delayed action. Numbers move, but slowly and jerkily.

Game: freecell
Game #: 1461317283
Browser: Mozilla/5.0 (iPad; CPU OS 9_3_5 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/601.1.46 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/13G36
JS-Version: 2018-09-06_10:59:16_-0700_ccae3e8a0b87d6f6f7ef92850dbb746ecf9e4ca9

Please describe the problem in as much detail as possible:


  • Pegala, a few hints that myself and many others are guilty of is being lazy resting our hands on touch pad or or accidently clicking the mouse , regardless of which you use, also not paying attention to your cursor on screen and accidently touching the screen, I wish the screen would freeze more to stop those issues, but am not technically advanced as some people, I hope these hints help you in the near future, we will probably do it from now to doomsday , so I hope this helps you in your query , enjoy the games , am a Free Cell fanatic and I only play for fun and I don't focus on scores, it is why I keep coming back. To a great site and founders Jim and David. Take Care ,Happy Halloween.

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