Winner Posts

Game: freecell
Game #: 953396841

What would you like to see?

This is a perfect example!
You have players who like to write programs to solve the problems and players who like to use their brain.
On this particular puzzle one person has obviously written a program and has claimed ALL ten top positions.

May I suggest (1) any player can appear only appear ONCE in a "top ten" table of users per puzzle.

Thank you for your consideration.


  • Hi Bearcatguy, on a game’s high scores results table there is a box marked ‘show a player’s first score, not their fastest’, click on that and the results of all players of that game are reduced to their first attempt.

  • Thanks for the tip fingsaint, good someone is bringing that up to all , Happy Halloween , Bearcatguy , and too finsaint.

  • I agree about only appearing in the top ten once, but I think it should be a person's best score. Part of the fun for many is seeing if they can improve and get near the top score either in moves or by the time. Part of the fun disappears when one person fills up the top 10.

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