
Game: scorpion
Game #: 696248584

A previous scorpion game I played on another computer had a "hints category. This is really helpful when the cards are bunched


  • This has been brought up in past ,don't remember when , I honestly don't think it will be added , you might ask our great inventors of this site Jim or David , for a explanation in regards to your query , We welcome you to greenfelt and enjoy the games , have fun , play on,

  • Helejane if you go on your scorpion game page and in upper click discussions and type in hints , there was a message from Jim as mentioned above from July 30th where it was stated "Unlikely" there are several comments on this subject if you wish to find out about this site, lot of good information available once you figure out how to find rules, blog, games, and how we players on site communicate with one another, so enjoy , lots of great information to be found, Take Care , It is a great site,

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