Cant keep my screen in a fixed position. when I grab a card the screen moves.

Game: calculation
Game #: 279582683
Browser: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/64.0.3282.140 Safari/537.36 Edge/17.17134
JS-Version: 2018-08-04_02:34:23_-0700_59d84682269ca6201aa0c72d064e0f4b74c902d4

Please describe the problem in as much detail as possible:


  • as I have seen on here many times from an good friend on this site we are bad about resting our hands and fingers on the keys or touchpad as I use or moving the mouse around we accidently click on it with out thinking pretty sure most people that have a computer do it , I'm guilty of it, sometimes if you move your pointer off the game screen say towards the edge or side column and right click it , it will freeze the screen in a hold position until we commit one of the blunders of not thinking , I hope this helps some with your issue, I think I got that right springrain didn't I , have a good day tokids, and to you to springrain,

  • Good explanation and so true...
    It takes awhile for players to realize this...
    Hopefully awareness will make games more enjoyable!

  • Good evening . seen your post earlier thought I'd get to it before retiring , Wanted to thank you for your comment, kinda reminds me of me when I first came on having problems and some like Springrain replied regarding touching the mouse , laying hands on keys and getting use to touch screen, every question she replied to my issue reason for poking fun at her, I still do it today as probably others , just wanted to say Hello, If you want the post by Pegala since they didn't describe problem which is also for players don't describe their issue, you can answer them if you wish, Have a rest of weekend , Take Care good to hear from u.

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