
Game: freecell
Game #: 360090899

What would you like to see?

Auto fill the stacks when the game is won.


  • Rather than waste time dragging individual cards into the stacks automatically fill them when you have obviously won the game. Also when the Aces are uncovered have them go to the stack as well/

  • click on the green felt and cards that can be sent to the stack go automatically.

  • Call National Geographic Sasquatch is on Green Felt.

  • Sasquatch the aces go to the cells in the right corner automatically by the computer , I am an avid free celler for many years and have played it with a deck of cards if you know how many moves are available ,it is harder using a mouse than a touch screen or pad, I hope this answers your query, I have been playing free cell for many years not just this site, I really didn't understand what you are asking , Welcome to green felt play on have fun,

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