Game: klondike
Game #: 1598468327

What would you like to see?

I would prefer it if you'd automatically delete our logins each day. By so doing, each day becomes a new ball game &, we won't be shown our scores for the same game again - leaving the slate clean.



    edited August 2018

    :) See my reply, below... I couldn't delete this comment, completely.

    edited August 2018

    Why don't you play anonymously, then? Because I would rather not play the same game more than once, unless I choose to do so. There are a billion games of each kind (solitaire, flower garden, et cetera), to play, you know. If you find you're playing the same game(s) over and over again, perhaps clear your cookies or your cache or whatever.

    Repeating games happens to everyone now and again... as you'll find by searching the forum.

    You can reach all the Games of the Day, by clicking on the links in the Leaderboard. Also, for more games...

    Click on the New Game button (on the left, under the Green Felt logo), of any game. Then click on the High Scores button to see if you've played it before. Keep doing this until you get a game you don't have a score on, because you haven't played it. Or just click it five or six times. You should get a game you haven't played, by then.

    Alternately, click on the yellow game number of any game. (To the right of Auto Finish.) You can enter any number from 1 to 999999999 then click Enter (on your keyboard) to play that game.

  • Very thorough answer, you certainly covered the solution for cynic!


    @cynic, we don't delete logins everyday. We set a cookie in your browser that is good for a year. We also set a cookie that shows that you've played a Game Of The Day so that they don't repeat on you.

    So if you are seeing repeats and getting logged out then I suspect something in your browser settings is deleting cookies after a day, or after a "session" (which ends when you quit your browser).

    You can always log back in if you get logged out (don't create a new user). It'll show your previous scores once you've logged back in.

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