play solitair for 3 hrs not winning no games

Game: klondike
Game #: 231523281

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  • Most of the Klondike games are beatable. However, you need to know how to do it and you need to be patient until you learn the games.

    1st make sure you read the rules. Not because you need to know how to play the game, but because those rules have the Shortcuts" in them. Click on the word "shortcuts" and it will show you a list of them.

    Second, remember you have UNLIMITED undos....use them whenever you cannot go any farther. Go back to a place where you had a choice to make and choose the other card. Or undo all the way back to the beginning of the game, if you need. You do not get a bad person mark, nor does it cost you a move to undo. Actually, undo takes away the moves you made.

    Lastly, try not to get frustrated. Just relax and play the game until you get it figured out.

    Hope that helps.

    Enjoy the games.

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