Track and display the number of taps/clicks

Game: freecell
Game #: 3916180601

If you're able to track the number of taps or clicks, that would be a very interesting metric to show. As one who plays for speed, not minimum number of moves, time is of course the most salient metric. But I would find the number of taps much more illuminating than the number of moves.
I'm also quite curious whether players like 3BC, who routinely get the fastest time and are among the lowest number of moves, are also recording the lowest number of taps/clicks. When I've played for the fewest number of moves, I generally find that I take far more taps than when I'm playing for speed, which necessarily yields a much slower time. So I'd love to know if others are able to achieve both efficiency in both the number of moves and the number of taps.

As an extension of this request, it'd be sweet to record the time from first tap to last tap rather than (or in addition to) the complete elapsed time. I suspect that some of the super-fast players have superfast hardware that auto-finish in the blink of an eye. I'm now routinely recording sub-10 second Freecell times (with loads of practicing on a given game), and I'd guess that at least a third of that time is waiting for autofinish to do its thing. I currently have the second fastest time on the Freecell game of the day at 7 seconds. 3bc crossed the finish line in a blazing 4 seconds. Auto-finish alone on my iPad Pro takes 2.75-2.8 seconds, which means two things:
1. my effective playing time is somewhere in the 4-5 second range.
2. if 3bc's hardware took the the same amount of time for auto-finish, his or her actual playing time would have to be about 1-2 seconds, which would be beyond impressive.

Thanks for the great site. (My wife would add a pox upon your house for the site ;-)

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