Pyramid 3-fold

Game: pyramid
Game #: 416009899

My grandfather was a professional card shark so I grew up playing all kinds of games with him. When we played Pyramid we always went through the cards three times. Why is that not an option in this game?


  • I was raised in Las Vegas, NV. We learned an untold number of alternative ways to play just about any game you wanted to play. However, we first learned (and learned well) the rules for the main version of every game.

    68 years later, I no longer live in Vegas; but I do remember the rules. I have noticed how Jim and David have chosen to sometimes vary slightly from the original game or go with a more popular version. It's their game and they have the right. I am quite certain they studied rules and different versions before they made up their minds.

    As far as Pyramid goes, I believe (but I don't KNOW) that it is one of the less popular games. Therefore, they went with the original rules. I learned a version where you pick cards off the deck front AND back, which allows you to beat the game more often.

    It's always up to Jim and David if changes are made to the games. They may, or may not agree with you on this.

    Enjoy the games.

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