i don't think my 'time' is correct. I love this game - thank you whoever you are....

Game: klondike
Game #: 1947201356
Browser: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_13_6) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/11.1.2 Safari/605.1.15
JS-Version: 2018-07-05_14:41:27_-0700_1faf0fc731ec71c3a6c7d5d407628c2d1e186175

Please describe the problem in as much detail as possible:


  • Since there is no visible clock, I have never been sure if they start the clock when the game is presented to you (giving you some free time to survey the layout) or if the clock starts when you make your first play. Anyone know? However they do it, the times seem reasonable and consistent to me...

  • I could be wrong, but my understanding is the game clock starts as soon as the last card is dealt to the playing field.

    David and Jim are the creators and maintainers of this site. I agree, they do a wonderful job!

    Enjoy the games.

  • Jim and David are the best, thanks guys! Hello everyone , Dilly ! Dilly !

  • Rather than bother Jim and Dave, I did a little test. The timer starts when you make your first move (as it should be IMHO). I got it backwards in my last post - you can study the cards before starting this way and not affect your time. I don't know if anyone takes advantage of that, but it might help a bit. Frankly, I would rather not have a timer at all B^)


    @dbwoerner, I fear your test was somehow flawed. The time starts when the cards are dealt. If you would like some time at the beginning to just study the cards, take your time and then hit "Replay" before your first move. That will re-deal the current game # and start the timer over.

  • I just verified that my test was wrong.... I was in a hurry to get to bed last night..... sorry

  • I just verified that my test was wrong.... I was in a hurry to get to bed last night..... sorry B^)

  • This post is to David and Jim, who provide excellent feedback to everyone involved. I thank both of them and wish there could be more people like them

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