I would like to play Klondike Solitaire Green felt. regular version, hard to get on computer.

Game: klondikenf
Game #: 4060412177

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  • I would like to play Klondike Solitaire Green felt, regular version, hard to get on my computer. I keep getting too many sites. just want to play. Can you help?

  • https://greenfelt.net/ is the URL for this site...enjoy

  • Once you're on a game screen, on the left corner of your screen will be some options... click on the one that reads :games.. it will give you a choice of what game you would like to play.. Click on the one that reads Klondike, or Klondike Turn 3.. have fun and enjoy your games..

  • Movall, it is possible that you need to clear your browser.

    If that doesn't help, run a virus scan.

    Hope one of those helps.

  • Note to Movall.... as per my reply to your question... I should have mentioned that the choices to click on are on the top left of your play screen, once you have logged on this site.. There is a list of different games you can play. hope you find the game of your choice....

  • Goodtime2, She's not having trouble finding a game. She's having trouble with her computer loading multiple websites on the same screen. She either needs to clear her browser (and we don't know what browser she is using) or she has a virus and needs to run a virus check. She gets the games.

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