Cards won't stay in place.

****> Game: addiction

Game #: 1832309608
Browser: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_13_5) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/11.1.1 Safari/605.1.15
JS-Version: 2018-07-05_14:41:27_-0700_1faf0fc731ec71c3a6c7d5d407628c2d1e186175

Please describe the problem in as much detail as possible:

Often I click on a card only to have it jump back to its previous position. Sometimes I can move it by pressing on the felt. Other times, four or five cards will return to its previous position. This happens even when I move cards manually. It is as though the game is fighting me and my choices. Or, trying to make me quit.
Perhaps there is a rule I don't know. If so, "How to Play the Game" should advise me.
Thank you. I love the game.


  • There are shortcuts built into mouse clicks. They are something that are mentioned in the 'shortcuts' in the rules.

    You are probably hitting your mouse button without meaning to. Left clicking on any blank area on the playing field is a shortcut for "Auto-Finish". . If you accidentally hit the right mouse button, you will "Undo" your moves. That is a shortcut, too. We all need to be careful where we click. Such as: for a person who taps their mouse while figuring the next move, you just told the game to move all the cards that can be moved up. If, like me, you sometimes right click at the same time you left click, the cards have a ball going out, then back. We do it and don't even realize we do it. We really all need to pay attention to what our fingers are doing.

    Hope that helps.

    Enjoy the games

  • THANKS Springrain, I finally have an explanation as to why the cards "jump around"!!!

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