Program to remove old messages from inbox, notifications,etc.

David,Jim I just posted on your activity, tho after thinking to allow both of you , Since I am basically laid up after Heart Surgery, I was wanting to run a query to help remove clutter from all the players from time to time to remove clutter from our files,tho not a techie,guru, or even computer illiterate , so it may not slow down the server ,with so many players on this site it may clean up some room by removing old messages ,posts , video files ,inbox, notifications and any other stored items on occasion to help the server from getting overloaded I hope you and jim understand what I am inquiring about which is set up a program to remove or delete unused data and files that slow down the site and your computers, I would like you to consider this option I am posing to you, Thank you for allowing me to share an idea, Have a Happy 4th of July to yours and Jim's family , Take care,



    That's very thoughtful, but the forum barely takes any space (looks like roughly 100 MB of DB space). For comparison, the main Green Felt DB currently takes 3.6 TB (3,000,000 MB).

    The video posts are just URL links to YouTube (This sentence is longer than the URLs :-)), so don't worry about filling up any space with them.

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