Spider solitaire lowest number of moves

There are 2 decks of cards, so assuming all the cards come out in order, you'd move each card once ~ except for the kings, as when the rest are on the king the set is complete, so I think it would be the other 12 cards x 8 sets of them = 96 moves...?


  • I would say you would move each card once, the King being the last which would move it up to the foundation row. That would be 13x8, wouldn't it? Now, I've never been sure if they count the automatic moves (where you choose a card with cards on top of it and the game figures out a way to make the play happen) as one move or the total of moves made including the automatic ones. If it's counted as one move, the total could be considerably less. At any rate the odds of the cards coming out that way are beyond minuscule B^)

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