pyramid and klondike alwayws end with an error
Game: pyramid
Game #: 1091119883
Browser: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/66.0.3359.181 Safari/537.36
JS-Version: 2018-06-02_16:22:44_-0700_d3b0e8e6d363398c1d6a92afbf9182162f76f451
all games end with an error report and no score
If you read the NEWS you will find that David has put up an explanation to what is going on.
This explains why the storing mechanics aren't working, at the moment and that the Greenfelt guys are, indeed, "getting on it":
In the mean time, just be patient, games ARE being saved to another disk and will be updated to the system when things are working right again.
Think you Springrain.
Jimmy as mentioned , tho not computer literate, scores are being saved, by our co-founders, it just takes time. Play on have fun.