spider no longer launching under I/E
spider (1, 2 or 4 suits) doesn't display on I/E. I can launch other games, eg 40 thieves, but my screen is completely blank when I launch using I/E. spider runs under Chrome. However, it worked previously. It also launches if I log onto a different computer user whether or not I launch anonymously or log in. Any ideas or suggestions?
One suggestion is to go to history in top right , and click on browser history then clear it, I have noticed a difference on a few occasions, thou don't play Spider or 40 Thieves , I as well use Google Chrome, hope this helps, just a tip i learned from others on this site. Take Care.
cathycat, if you're not sure how to clear your broser (Google Chrome), maybe the following will help:
The only suggestion I have is to clear your browser.
Top right of your google chrome are 3 dots all lined up, up and down. Click on them. Scroll down to "history". The word "history will appear in a slide out, click on that.
You will get a new screen.
On the left side of your screen you will find the words:
Chrome history
Tabs from other devices
Clear Browsing Data <<<< click on that one
You will get a new screen.
A pop-up is there...it says "Clear browsing data"
Below that are the words "Basic" and "Advanced" Ignore them
Below that are the words "Time Range" with an amount of time after that. Click on the amount of time and scroll down until you find the time period you want to clear browsing data for. Click on that amount of time.
The words "Clear Data" should be in blue (or some color you've chosen in your set up). Click on those words and let google do the rest.