More choices for backs, fronts, and a few more games

It's good to have options for backs, and I'm glad you have quite a few, but I'd like to see more. In particular, some more unusual colors, especially when it comes to the abstract designs, and designs with larger diamonds / checks and such, because the current designs make moire patterns on my screen and are kinda annoying, like VGA graphics or something.

Secondly, I'd like to be able to change the fronts as well. Red/Black is common enough; it'd be nice to have the option to have Magenta/Cyan, or Yellow/Green, or Pink/Purple, or Aqua/Lavender, something like that. And maybe a Neon set with black background for the cards (and maybe a very dark green felt (or deep burgundy) to play the neon cards on?).

Thirdly, and it would be ideal if you could choose these traits independently, it'd be nice to be able to switch to fronts that are just large numbers (2, 3, 4, Q, etc.), or that are large Japanese kanji numbers + Queen, King, Samurai kanji or the like (which are more pictoral, and could help engage the artistic side of the brain). It'd help shake things up a bit, especially if playing the same game as always, and being able to switch to Aqua/Lavender Kanji with like Lavender and Aqua abstract card backs would make a whole different feel to the experience, at least for me.

Plus, the big number versions might be easier for those with vision difficulties (like my dad), without having to switch to cards that are big enough to go off the screen (in the larger tableaux, at least), or might be easier in small-card versions on my phone (most of the kanji would be much easier for me to make out than the regular cards are). And the alternative colors could help players who have color vision issues and find red to be a dull and muddy color indistinguishable from green.

Lastly, I'd like to see you add a couple games: Beleaguered Castle, which I recently learned about, and La Belle Lucie, which I've loved for a long time, and, hmm... Black Hole, Spiderette, Shamrocks, King Albert, and Clock, all of which I saw on another site but don't know much about except that they seem like neat variations that would be fun to play. Your site is the best I've found for easy browser-based play without having to mess with an account or downloads or anything weird, so I very much appreciate its existence.

Lastly lastly: It kinda annoys me that I had to make an account just to post this feedback. I didn't intend to have an account with this site. (Slight upside: You didn't ask for personally identifying information, so that's good.)


  • I am familiar with clock solitaire , and on occasion play with a regular deck of cards, as far as adding games which is doubtful since when I got here I tried no success , thou you could also go to discussions and in search engine provided type in David (Green Felt Guy) or Jim, they are the inventors of this site only times cards change is special Holidays, Valentines, Easter, Halloween and several others, will you see card variations. as far as account, yes we here at green felt do not have to type in personal info as so many other sites, passwords, address, e-mail, thou one main thing I enjoy is no advertisements, pop ups, or stoppages in play, this is a great site, good games, can get to know others, send messages , comment on many posts randomly to pick from , you get to know some one you can click on their username site, and by clicking message in middle right ,and send private messages, read posts forums, download music files once you learn how, Hang around this is a great site at least give us a chance, Happy Memorial day Nice to meet you Kilyle!

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