List players by number of moves

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Surely the most skilful player is the one who completes the Freecell game in the fewest moves, not the fastest time.

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  • Being a avid Freecell player you already have that option available to you , once game is complete, a screen comes up showing your times and number of moves ,you can click on one of those options for showing of scores so if you placed in top 10 it will appear, if not it will show how you placed in times and moves, as far as I remember for reasons unknown to me if you choose say moves you will notice in moves your score will show up tho scores will be higher, Take care ,play on ,hope this has helped you , only been here for about 6-7 months so not an expert,

  • Yes, it's true you can bring up the scores ranked by number of moves, but the main thing people see are the leader board games which, if I am not mistaken, are always ranked by time. I play to relax, so I am not interested in seeing how fast I can solve. What I would REALLY like to see is a leader board option that always ranks by number of moves. This might also limit the number of "how can they solve it in ten seconds" threads....

    BTW, I find it amusing that most people's first inclination is to accuse the speedsers of using "bots" to cheat. I'm pretty sure they just like to click real fast and want to get the top score bad enough to replay games after they have solved them. I usually take 10 or 15 seconds to look at the layout before deciding how I am going to proceed.

    I also only play Seahaven Towers and Calculation, unless I have at least a half hour to kill and then I play one of my favorite games - Spider.

  • Brilliant ! Thank you so much Gerald64. I agree with dbwoerner, I play for relaxation. Thanks to Gerald's tip, I came 1st in the last game I played !

  • Yep. Count me among those who try for least number of moves. . . I would also love to see a leader board based on number of moves over time.

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