New win category

Game: freecell
Game #: 893234106

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We have a win for moves and a win for time; would it be possible to have a third win category combining moves AND time? Thanks.


  • Forgive me if I'm wrong since I don't play Freecell.

    In the games I do play, when it's showing wins by time it IS showing by moves also. For instance, if 2 people get the exact same time, such as 2 minutes and 16 seconds, then the moves are used to decide who gets the higher win.

    If it's the same in Freecell, look closely at the times and, if there are 2 exact times, check the moves they made. I believe you will find it is then scored both ways.

    Enjoy the games

  • as an avid free celler you are correct Springrain, tho time is usually higher than moves.

  • Time before moves unless the times are identical.

    1 other thing to note: If both times AND moves are identical, then the winners are put in order alphabetically.

    Enjoy the games

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