Chat ?

Game: freecell
Game #: 189416808

It sure would be cool if we could communicate with one another on free cell ? :smile:

What would you like to see?


  • I am not certain if you could challenge any player on this site, as a fairly new member, I am not aware of this at this time hopefully some of the lovely beautiful players on this site can better answer your query, you can post on username of who you wish to chat with on activity , and if you click on message and it would be a private chat. Hope you well in your time here keep playing have fun,

  • There is a player who uses symbols to show two middle fingers and mean looking face. Lots of kids play Green Felt.
    Can we track this person down and make him/her change the moniker?

  • Dee, I am certain someone will respond to this post you have made regarding username icon in your query and will most likely be looked into by David and Jim the inventors of this site in the near future.

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