
Game: freecell
Game #: 3160923370

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  • I don't understand your question thou I am not a veteran at this game as some are I tried it 2 times without success, it is a tough game , Thanks enjoy your games keep playing and have fun.

  • Gerald64, I did a search for "ipucu" and it came up as "hint". I know that will not help as I do not play freecell. Enjoy this wonderful site, hacilos :).

  • Thanks Jade for the message I did play game # in "hint" it was a tough game I wrote it down to play again later. Never knew that is what it meant, I was trying to get the person to define the query, even fairly new I try to help when or if I can. Take Care Have a good day.

  • Thanx Gerald64! You, too :).

  • I love Free Cell!!! Found it originally in Win7 as I recall.

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