Unfair amount of moves recorded in Scorpion's scores or a fair amount of moves but an unfair score.

It appears that instead of evaluating the high score when the "Give Up" button is pressed, the game keeps the highest score and records that without evaluating the score at the time of pressing the button. There is a loophole when a player achieves that high score that then backs x number of moves. If then the "Give up" button is pressed the highest score is recorded with x number of moves subtracted from the number of moves it took the player to achieve that high score. Please look at the score of Scorpion game 724273911 (screenshot attached). I (butrageno) have a score of 14, alongside with many other players, but the number of moves is only 2(!), as I backed 33 moves and then pressed the "Give Up" button. If the least amount of moves is the tiebreaker of even scoring then that open a door to cheating. A simple solution would be to record the score at the time of pressing the "Give Up" button. The above scenarios does not happen when the game is beaten as the end if the game happens automatically an backing out moves after that is inconsequential.

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