Curiosity Question About Forty Thieves

I have played Forty Thieves for a loooonnnnngggg time. Many, many hours wasted. My question is this. When I first played on a computer that is long gone, then on a tablet that I've had for a while; with one open space and a sequence of two cards, I could play the two card sequence in the one open space. Why not on Green Felt?


  • Seems like different providers of 40 Thieves have slightly different rules,.I had a very old version on a CD that let me see every card that had been played. "Should I save the 3 of clubs in the empty slot? Oh, no, the 2 has already been played." The games weren't timed, so I had plenty of time to look.
    With Green Felt, though, if you have a KQJ, 2 slots open, and 10,9,8,7 in another pile, you can click on the 10 to move all 4 cards at once, which I couldn't do before, would've have taken several moves.

  • Remembering that Forty Thieves is the type of game you can ONLY move 1 card at a time, will help you understand what stacks you can move. For evermore's example you would move the 7, then the 8, then put the 7 on the 8, then move the 9, then put the 10 on the J, the 9 on the 10, the 8 on the 9, and the 7 on the 8. Clicking the 10 is just shortcutting...saves time.

    Enjoy the games. :)

  • Thanks, exactly.Saves time! I am still pretty slow, how can they do it so fast? Time is important if you want to be a wizard.

  • Springrain, I understand the logic of it, but I guess I had a version sort of like evermore. If we were playing with real cards, like before computers, you could move as big a stack as you wanted to!

  • Never known of one like that. However, being raised in Nevada kinda gives you a limited knowledge of card games. Not the amount of them, just the different rules.

  • jezzbelle, I've been doing some research and have discovered a few things. I am quite certain that Jim and David did much more research than I ever did to come up with the set of rules they use (which seem to be the standard Forty Thieves rules.

    First, remember that when you are playing with real playing cards in your hand you can (1) make up any rules you want, (2) cheat.

    I have found a number of variations of Forty Thieves that allow different kinds of moves.
    Little Forty: Sequences in the tableau may be moved in part or in whole. In the tableau, a card can only be added to a column if it is one rank lower and a different suit than the card it is being played on. Cards are dealt from the stock three at a time. You may go thru the stock 3 times.

    Indian: The tableau has ten columns of three cards each. The bottom card of each column is dealt face down. In the tableau, a card can only be added to a column if it is one rank lower and a different suit than the card it is being played on.

    **Limited: **The tableau has 12 columns of three cards each.

    Others are: Lucas, Maria, Number Ten, Rank and File, and Streets.

    Also, remember that the people who create the games have the ultimate decision about what the rules to their games are. It is up to us to adapt to the game, not the game to adapt to us.

    Enjoy the games

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