Scoring -- how is it done?

URL: /hopeless

I would like to see the rules for scoring . I have figured out that the higher number of squares joined together, the higher the score when you delete the block/


  • There is a small square to the right of the game board when you bring Hopeless up on your screen and it does explain the rules of the game and instructions... on the very top left of your screen you'll see where there is FAQ.. frequent asked questions..... and also you can click on leader board...showing the high scores.. Your score will appear at the top left of game board... there is a forum where there is an explanation of why there are some high scores etc... that was posted by the owners of this site... Good luck in playing... object to have fun and enjoy... and welcome to the site..

  • The information that explains those high scores is listed at the top right of your screen under "the latest news" ... I mentioned it was in the forum ..

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