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Enlarge text to 12 pts, and darken text to BLACK. It's too light in grey and we can't read it. Hurts our eyes.


  • You have made the text on the board smaller than usual, and it is too light can't read it like this text being typed The score board is much smaller than before. The whole board is smaller in text can't read the messages on the upper right of page. MUST HAVE LARGER TEXT, 12PT. IN BLACK TEXT FOR US. SENIORS AND PEOPLE WITH EYE PROBLEMS PLAY YOUR GAMES. CONSIDER US ALL. NO YOUNG EYE WHO IS DOING THIS. THANK YOU. IF NO CHANGE, WILL HAVE TO STOP PLAYING. DOCTOR SAID, DO NOT SQUINT AND THAT IS WHAT IS HAPPENING TO US.. THANK YOU

  • A few suggestions to you thou since I don't Know what you are exactly asking for you can go to format and click on Header it will enlarge your print size , or go to top right and click on right side of bookmark bar = and click on zoom to change font size. if it is game of your choice I believe each game has a size feature in top left you can enlarge cards. if this doesn't help you can go to categories. on search engine type in Sage or Springrain and search for their name and ask them ,they are more helpful if these suggestions don't help , No disrespect if you described your issue a little more someone on this site can help you better me , Take Care Have fun, play on.

  • You can also click on bold in your message window.

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