Color of suits is off

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Please describe the problem in as much detail as possible:

I've been playing solitaire on your site for a few weeks, but all of a sudden the spades and clubs appear in lavender instead of black. It's harder to see.


  • Happy Valentine's Day! <3 <3 <3 There's a row of buttons, above the cards. The button to the right of the game number, says "Normal Cards". Click that... And, as always, check the forum posts to see if anyone else is having the same problem and/or there's already an answer to the problem you're experiencing.

  • Thank you Sage... you've been very helpful as well as others who have helped...Happy Valentine's Day....

  • Happy Valentine's Day to you, laptop4me... <3

  • Thank you Sage..... and also for pointing out that the Forum can be checked beforehand as many times the answer is there.... I had mentioned I had played on this site for so many years when there was WEBTV and now with the laptop... but I had never checked the posts until recently and it is very helpful....

  • You're very welcome! :)

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